Thursday, 25 November 2010

Week 8

Week ending 26th November 2010.

Tuesday - Contextual Studies with Mike De Vere.

Continuing from last week's session we again looked at the SWOT analysis. This week we focused on opportunities and threats. After a class discussion to generate ideas, I looked at general opps/threats and those directly related to photography. Using the source material provided by Mike gave me a clearer insight into what I needed to add to my analysis. I will complete this task this week as part of my research for my main essay.

This week I also received my feedback from the essay I complete last week. Mike was very positive in his response and this has encouraged to move forward with the final essay. I have already written around two thirds of the essay and I'm hoping to get this finished soon with further research.

Mike has encouraged us to look at some of the websites detailed in the support material. These website has provided me with a lot of information that I can use to complete the essay.

Wednesday - Photographic Theory with Sian Gouldstone.

This week's session with Sian focused on identity in portraits. The key themes we discussed this week are...

I.D. - who are we? Erving Goffman...

- Analysis of human and social action
- Front and Back Stage performances
- Props and costumes
- Audiences
- Maintaining characters

Constructing ID in a portrait?

- Many artists use fancy dress
- Masks and masquerade
- Mimicry
- Postmodern influence

The first photographer's work we looked at was Nikki S Lee. She bases her work of different social groups and stereotypes. The photographer herself is present in all images she has produced in this particular project as she blends into various lifestyles and becomes a part of the group.

Gillian Wearing

Wearing's work looks at the family album and family portraits. She assumes the forms of various family members by creating masks and posing in a traditional way. I find these images quite unnerving but must recommend the photographer on her skills in creating such realistic masks. Although you can see the lines created from the mask meeting the face, the effect is quite astonishing.

Justine Kurland

Kurland uses staged characters in open landscapes. The is a certain amount of mystery surrounding these people and it is left up to the viewer to decide who they are. There is also a mystery of the relationship between the subject and the landscape. I feel there is no conflict present within the relationship and the subjects appear to be completely at home where they are. The subject appears to be seeking something but what is it?

Tereas Hubbard & Alexander Birchler

In these photographs barriers are created between inside and outside, and upstairs and downstairs. Perhaps these images comment on domestic and suburban ideals and how we behave within these environments.
"Curiosity or dread of what lies beyond the frame" - Charlotte Cotton

Other photographers included this week are...

- Cindy Sherman
- Trish Morrissey
- Tracey Moffatt
- Wendy McMurdo
- Anna Gaskell
- Tereza Vickova
- Loretta Lux

In the afternoon I had a quick chat with Lee Garland discussed pricing up photographic projects. I found this session very useful as I have a meeting this week with Marie Greenhalgh from Didsbury Good Neighbours regarding a commission.

Thursday - P&DI with Max Bamber and Dan Morgan.

Following on from last week the class discussed camera settings. I find these sessions very beneficial as my technical knowledge is lacking. I feel I have a better understanding and the handouts are very useful to refer back to.

In the morning I had my meeting with Marie Greenhalgh to discuss the project. I feel the meeting went well and understanding what I need to do to achieve what has been asked of me.

Marie stated she would like 10 head shots of the members of the group, some group shots and 'action' shots of activities. Marie has also invited me to the Christmas lunch on 9th December to document the afternoon. What I am struggling with is what to charge the client. I have asked the advice of Lee, Max and Len Grant to help me decide what to charge.

I am a little apprehensive as this is my first commission for a paying client. I will do as much preparation as possible to ensure I am confident to go out and shoot over the three days. Hopefully next week's sessions will build my confidence and provide me with a strong contact for future work.

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