Saturday, 13 November 2010

Week 6

Week ending 12th November 2010

Tuesday - Contextual Studies with Mike De Vere

This week's session focused around presentations that the class have been working on. I am presenting the work of Steve McCurry. Although I was ready to do my talk there was not enough time. The presentation that stuck out for me is Jo's presentation on the work of David Hilliard.

Hilliard's use of the trip tic in his work has inspired me and I am hoping to use elements of his work in my Unit 7 project.

Wednesday - Photographic Theory with Sian Gouldstone

This week's session focused on Environmental Landscapes. When I have looked at landscape photography before I have never found a lot of meaning in the images but looking at the following photographers has broadened my knowledge, understanding and appreciation for this genre.

Photographer's work we explored were

- Edward Burtynsky
- Richard Misrach
- Nadav Kander
- Edgar Martins
- Simon Norfolk
- Sophie Ristelhueber
- Ed Kashi
- Yao Lu
- Stuart Franklin

The stand out photographers for me this week were...

Firstly we looked at the work of Emma Livingston. Her photographs of landscapes have rich textual colours and she never includes the sky in the image, only the land itself. This creates an abstract feel to the images, almost as if they had been painted. The image give me a feeling of uncertainty, unsure as to where these places are. I think I will look into Emma's work in further detail as part of my Unit 7 project.

Another photographer I found particularly interesting was Stephen Vaughan and his photographs of the landscape in Iceland. His work explores the unknown... perhaps another photographer to look at in more detail for Unit 7?

Another standout photography I will be researching more into is Jem Southam. His work on landscape uses long exposes and this provides a white sea and sky. This atmosphere is something I would like to try and create myself.

As Lee wasn't in again this week we had the afternoon to talk to Sian about our projects. I also find it very useful discussing my work with her. She suggested I look at the following photographers to help push my project forward

- Chris Marshall. His work involves wastelands in Manchester.
- Justine Kurland
- Hannah Starkey and Cindy Sherman. Work on lone females.
- Hellen Van Meene
- Rineke Dijkstra
- Jeffery Stockbridge
- Abbie Trayler-Smith. Portraits
- Philip Lorca Di Corcia

She also suggested that I look at unused spaces to use as my shoot locations. I want to link unused spaces with the unused ambitions, skills etc of the Lost Generation.

What other areas have been affected by the economy? I will look into government statistics for more inspiration.

Thursday - P&DI with Max Bamber and Dan Morgan

This week with Max we continued with The Guardian portraits brief from last week. I was working with Gynene, Susie and Jo to take several shots that would be appropriate for a magazine or newspaper article. I found this week to be a lot more productive and sitting down with Max afterwards to discuss our shots was very helpful and broadened my understanding.

With Dan this week we continued to work on our website interfaces. This weeks we began to add subsidiary pages in Photoshop to start building content. I will need to work on this over the coming week so I can get my website launched asap.

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