Thursday, 2 December 2010

Week 9

Week ending 3rd December 2010

Tuesday - Contextual Studies with Mike De Vere.

This week's session was suppose to be a catch up for those who have yet to make done a presentation to the class but no one came to college.

Mike refreshed what we needed to include in our essay and we have given the date of 14th December to hand in a draft copy. Over the past week I have been researching all aspects that need to be included in my writing and I have managed to complete the work 2 weeks before the hand in date. This have now provided me with extra time to complete my Unit 7 work.

Wednesday - Photographic Theory with Sian Gouldstone.

The title of Sian's session this week -

The Practice of Everyday Life - home truths & daily life?

We concentrated on photographs whose work surrounds the everyday, daily routines and what about that can be perceived as interesting.

Rinko Kawauchi

Fischli & Weiss

 Larry Sultan

Bernd & Hilla Becher

The other photographers we looked at this week are...

- George Perec
- William Eggleston
- Peter Fraser
- Laura Letinsky
- Nigel Shafran
- Lamya Gargash
- Richard Billingham
- Idris Khan
- Boris Mikhailov

Thursday - P&DI with Max Bamber & Dan Morgan

The morning session covered an introduction to the end of year exhibition. As two groups we made a list of all the aspects of organising an exhibition and discussed which roles individuals would take on.

As I have previous experience managing money I offered to take on the role of Treasurer. I will need to set up a bank account in order to pay for all aspects of the exhibition. I'll probably seek advice from the third year students to ask what kind of account will be best for the project. I will also set up spreadsheets to keep account of all the income and outgoings.

The photo shoot I was suppose to be doing this morning was cancelled at the last minute due to the bad weather. Not sure what will happen or whether the client wants me to come back on another day. All the images I shot on Tuesday I will edit over the weekend and give to the client on Monday.

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